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The EuroVegas City project is a very financially expensive project in the order of tens of billions of EUR. According to our concept, the total costs should be around €100-150 billion.




The original intention was to establish a Real Estate Investment Fund (location Cyprus) to obtain the capital needed to finance the EuroVegas City project. The first meetings in groups of private investors showed that there are more investors accepting to invest their funds in the EuroVegas City project not in fiat currency, but in cryptocurrencies.

Based on these facts, we decided to create two types of tokens for financing the EuroVegas City project and one token for the future use of payments in the already built EuroVegas City.

The first stage is the purchase of land. We would like to follow up on the unfinished EuroVegas project from 2013, which was to be implemented in the city of Alcorcón in the metropolitan area of ​​Madrid, Spain. The priority country that we would prefer is Spain.

The exact location has not been determined at this time and other locations are not ruled out, or in the event that it is not possible to buy land suitable for building EuroVegas City in Spain, other countries as well.

We created the EuroVegas Land (EVL) token to finance the purchase of land. More information about the token here.

In case of sales or pre-ordering of EuroVegas Land (EVL) tokens in the amount of min. 100 million EUR, specific steps will be initiated to find a suitable plot of land (at least 6 km2 in size) in Spain.

If such a suitable plot of land is found, token holders who have already bought the EVL token (exchanged for USDT) will be informed about the possibility of purchasing a plot of land.

Potential holders who have only pre-ordered tokens will be prompted to purchase EVL tokens.

A new company, EuroVegas City, will be established in the given location and will buy the land. All holders of EVL tokens and EVP tokens will become its shareholders with a % profit share.



The second stage is the preparation of project documentation for a building permit. The EuroVegas Property (EVP) token was created to finance these activities.

The EuroVegas Property Token (EVP) is an investment token for obtaining capital for the preparatory stages, the processing of project documentation and the subsequent construction of all resorts and casinos in EuroVegas City. More information about this token can be found here.

Investors can now pre-order EuroVegas Property tokens and once the number of pre-orders reaches 100% of the capital needed to build the first resort, investors will be invited to purchase (exchange) tokens. If an investor wants to buy (exchange) EuroVegas Property tokens now, it is possible.

In the event that an investor purchases EuroVegas Property tokens now and in the future, for any reason, resorts construction does not commence, all EuroVegas Property tokens will be bought back and 100% of the USDT Tokens will be returned to investors.

Once the capital for the construction of the first resort is obtained, all holders of EuroVegas Property tokens will receive shares (% share in relation to the investment amount) of the established company EuroVegas City, which will be the sole owner of the land and all buildings that will be built on this land in the future.



The third stage is the construction of resorts and casinos. Construction would take place in 40 phases. The EuroVegas Property (EVP) token was created to finance the construction of resorts and casinos.

The EuroVegas Property Token (EVP) is an investment token for obtaining capital for the preparatory stages, the processing of project documentation and the subsequent construction of all resorts and casinos in EuroVegas City. More information about this token can be found here.

Investors can now pre-order EuroVegas Property tokens and once the number of pre-orders reaches 100% of the capital needed to build the first resort, investors will be invited to purchase (exchange) tokens. If an investor wants to buy (exchange) EuroVegas Property tokens now, it is possible.

In the event that an investor purchases EuroVegas Property tokens now and in the future, for any reason, resorts construction does not commence, all EuroVegas Property tokens will be bought back and 100% of the USDC Tokens will be returned to investors.

Once the capital for the construction of the first resort is obtained, all holders of EuroVegas Property tokens will receive shares (% share in relation to the investment amount) of the established company EuroVegas City, which will be the sole owner of the land and all buildings that will be built on this land in the future.



The fourth phase is the creation of the EuroVegas Pay payment platform to process all payments in the EuroVegas City complex.

Our goal is to pay only with the EuroVegas Coin token in the entire EuroVegas City complex. Thus, visitors to EuroVegas City would only pay for all services and products with the EuroVegas Coin (EVC) cryptocurrency.

For these reasons, the EuroVegas Coin (EVC) token was created. We are now starting a pre-sale of this token and plan to list this token on exchanges. More about the EuroVegas Coin token here. In the future, we plan to create our own blockchain



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